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Greenland crossing completed!!! Quote of the trip: “…crossing Greenland, what could possibly go wrong” Where do we start on analysing that statement… Almost blown away by not one but two consecutive piteraq storms with hurricane force winds (absolutely mental!)…Struggling to stay afloat and not buried alive during a snow storm…Blizzards, white outs, katabatic winds, broken […]
Current location: N56° 32.887′ W046° 31.232′ Distance to date: 366.8km Day 22/ Camp 18 Finally a sunny day! Making good progress with 30km plus days. The long days are starting to take their toll though. Losing feeling in hands randomly at night. Very painful to get glove on again. Fingers feel like they […]
Current position: N56° 13.499″ / W42° 21.56″ Elevation: 3348m Distance travelled: 178km Day 15/ Camp 11… yes, we’ve used all our reserve weather days already. Greenland is definitely throwing everything at us. Recent time lost due to snow storm. Team member heli-lifted out, unable to continue and some minor facial frostbite within team but […]
Happy Easter from the Greenland icecap! Off to a good start. Great team. Having a good time. Hurricane winds. Total wipeout. Digging tents out every few hours. Double snowball (or something that sounded like that!) destroyed in the process Coldest temperature so far is minus 27 degrees. Currently minus 21.1 and the sun is still […]
Well… the wait is over, this is it. It has just turned 00:00 on April 12th 2014, and by the time the countdown reaches zero I will have landed in Greenland. It feels a little surreal to have finally reached this point, and I still don’t think it will fully hit me until I am […]
Hi everyone 🙂 A little touch and go yesterday leaving London, but despite delays caused by industrial action I arrive back in Reykjavik safe sound. In fact, I ended up running into some old friends at Heathrow I had not seen for a while and would have missed had my flight been on time. Pretty […]
Training completed: crossing Iceland north to south via the Sprengisandur route – done. This was definitely the most physically demanding trip I have done. Iceland put on a great show too with some spectacular scenery and (literally) a couple of sunny days at the end which were simply beautiful, the ground scintillating like it was […]
I would like to dedicate this blog to my late my Aunty Bun who passed away 16:50 on 15th March 2014. Standing at 6’1 she had the physical presence to match her personality. Such a strong and caring character – as a child my memory of her was someone who would take the weight of […]
Hey everyone, This week I want to spend some time on BeatBullying and why I am supporting them. As I have said, for me bullying is just fundamentally wrong. It is not right that anyone should have to put up with such intentional malice being inflicted upon them, and I hate the fact someone would […]
Hello Hello 🙂 Firstly some AWESOME news to share, a bit of a milestone was reached the other day, with over £2,500 raised and now very close to reaching £3,000! 😀 Still a way to go, but such a fantastic start, and thank you so much to everyone who has helped reach this point. I […]